Player Script Implementation
Player Script Implementation
You can use one of the following options below to bring Browsi player to the page:
Inject video script directly on the page:
Inject Browsi tag using HTML, JS or AMP directly on the page, preferably in the header (recommended option).
HTML<script async src="https://cdn5.browsiprod.com/avm/js/video-loader.js?id=4342c20e-d414-456e-897a-9a26f6d87257&tagId=61" id="browsiJS"> </script>
JS(function () { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.id="browsiJS"; s.src = "https://cdn5.browsiprod.com/avm/js/video-loader.js?id=abcd&tagId=12345"; s.async = true; document.head.appendChild(s); } )();
AMP<amp-ad width="300" height="169" layout="responsive" type="browsivideo" data-id="4102c34f-d414-456e-897a-9a26f6d87257" data-tagId="12"></amp-ad>
Implement via Google Tag Manager.
Implement using GAM / DFP.
Browsi display tag brings the video script to the page. For more information talk to your account manager.