Browsi Query Tool - Metrics

Browsi Query Tool - Metrics

Inventory and Demand





Ad inventory count

Number of placements Browsi makes ad requests in.

Ad requests

An ad request is counted whenever your site/page requests ads to be displayed. It is the number of ad units that requested ads. We report an ad request each time a request was sent, even if no ads were returned and backfill ads were displayed instead.

Fill rate

Fill rate is the percentage of ad requests that get filled by the ad networks you’re working with. It’s calculated by dividing the number of ad impressions an app actually serves, by the number of times a page requested an ad from a network.

Av. ad location

Average position (in pixels) from the top, where an ad has been placed on the page.

Ad impression

An impression is counted each time an ad loads on a site. If you refresh the page, even if the same ad loads, a new impression is counted. For publishers, impressions are important because in the CPM (Cost Per Mille) advertising model, you are paid for every 1000 impressions of an ad served on your site.






Viewed impression (MRC)

According to Media Rating Council (MRC), a display ad will be considered as “viewable” if 50% of the ad creative is visible for at least one second in the viewable space of the browser.

Viewed impression (100% inview)

Impressions on which 100% of it's ad has been viewed for at least 1 second

Av. ad viewable time

Average time users have views the ad.

Av. ad percentage inview

Average pixels of the ads that are viewed more than one second.

Header Bidding





(HB) Bid requests

Number of requests Browsi sends to an individual bidder in Header Bidding.

(HB) Bid responses

Number of times the requests for ads to Header Bidding got responses.

(HB) Bids matched

Bid responses that came back with an active bid.

(HB) Bids won

Bids won against the Google AdX.

(HB) Average bid CPM

Average Bidding CPM (unrelated to bids won)

(HB) Win rate

Average ad exchange wins / average of impressions on page.

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