Blocklist URL

Blocklist URL


The location of a webpage or file on the Internet.
Some of Browsi's URLs include https://gobrowsi.com/inventory-suite , https://gobrowsi.com/solutions-monetization-agency , and https://gobrowsi.com/customers-lobby.

  • Just as buildings and houses have a street address, webpages also have unique addresses to help people locate them. On the Internet, these addresses are called URLs (Uniform Resource Locators).

  • A webpage's URL—such as https://docs.gobrowsi.com/hc/en-us/articles/blocklist-urlsis made up of a domain name (here it's "gobrowsi"), a domain category (".com"), and sometimes other elements like a subdomain ("docs") and path ("hc/en-us/articles/blocklist-urls").


Publishers often want their visitors to concentrate on the content of the page rather than placing ads that might lead them away from the page.
Blocklist URLs lets you submit urls where the Browsi AI will avoid placing ads on.

At the same time, you'll be able to generate the same type of reports with metrics such as user engagements, user time on the page, focus rate on page and more.


To enter the 'Blocklist URLs' tab, enter the Inventory Management Section in the Left hand Navigation Bar.

New Blocklist Group

  1. Click on the top right button “Add a Blocklist Group“

  2. Name your blocklist group.

  3. Select the related site.

  4. Add all urls that you don't want the Browsi AI to place ads on. Make sure to press Enter after every url inserted

Editing Blocklist Group

You can edit your blocklist group by clicking on the Edit link


You can filter your Blocklist Group by:

  • Blocklist Name

  • Related Site

  • URL

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