UX Dashboard

This Dashboard was created in order to analyze how your monetization strategy directly impacts your UX and find the perfect UX/Revenue balance.

How to use

  1. Select site, device, relevant layout and a time period on the top selection bar, and apply selections.

  2. Below the filters bar, review Engagement and Revenue KPIs compared to the previous time period you selected.


  3. Choose one of the UX KPIs and see how they correlate with RPS and RPM in a table or graph form


  4. Check out the ‘Ads Per Page’ section presenting to you the distribution of ads served though out of total pageviews and check Engagement Metrics according to Ads per page.


To make optimal use of this resource:

  1. Analyze your UX per individual layout in order to understand how different ad serving policies affect users’ behaviors and your revenue to adapt your monetization strategy accordingly.

  2. Pinpoint the sweet spot between Revenue and UX balance. You can filter by ads per page and find out how adding ad placement affects your UX metrics.

Data sources

  • UX metrics, Pageviews - Is based on Browsi measurement

  • Revenue - RPS, RPM are measured by Publisher’s GAM

Data requirements and explanations

Required Key values

  • browsiId key will be set up on GAM for all Browsi slots in order to reflect the performance generated by Browsi.

  • browsiLayout key will allow a more granular analysis according to a layout and not only for a site level. This Key Value isn’t mandatory but will allow an in depth understanding.