

Define your custom ad layouts entirely from setting the placements, types, dimensions, density, placeholders, refresh conditions and viewability prediction to configuring your own demand partners.

To access the Layouts page, go to Your Account > Inventory Management > Layouts


The main Layouts page is where ad layouts for all of your domains are stored and managed.

A Default Layout is the default ad layout assigned to your website. You cannot remove or deactivate your Default Layout. If you haven't set your Default Layout details, then nothing will be served in this configuration. 

Create ad layout - “Standard layout”

  • Select ad layout Type

From the “Add Layout” button on the top right, select which type of ad layout you wish to create:

  • Layout - Create a standard layout

  • A/B Test - Create two ad layouts and compare performance against each other 

  • Conditional Layout - Create a layout based on real time page parameters / events

Select the site and Device type on which the new layout should be applied to and proceed to the configuration page by pressing “Configure”

  • Configure layout

Enter layout name: 

(A naming convention is recommend, for example: Site / Section / Traffic / Scenario)


Set targeting for the new layout (i.e define on which scenarios this ad layout will be applied) ,by selecting:

Countries - You may target a layout to specific countries , or apply it to all countries except those you explicitly select to exclude. 

URLs - You may target a layout to specific URLs within your domain or include all pages that contain this URL.

Traffic Source - You may target a layout to specific traffic sources.

(For example you can set a more “aggressive” ad layout for less loyal users who come from social traffic).

Query param - You may target a layout to specific parameters/ Key-values which represent various scenarios, based on site configuration or user behaviour. 

Operation system -  You may target a layout to specific operating systems or apply to all.

The created layout will be displayed on the main layout page,  under the relevant site.

Your targeting will be reflected with colored chips:

In the enclosed screenshot the layout targeting will include: All countries except 3 countries, The Site main URL, IOS operating systems and a Query Param of 'type=social'


Add ad type

After completing the Ad layout targeting, the actual included ad types should be selected and configured. The process would repeat itself per each ad type.


Press “+ Ad Type” for adding Sticky/in-Line/Top/ Bottom/ Rail Ads to the layout.


Each ad type can include several placements (for example a few In-line ads between article paragraphs)  - The configuration can be made for a range of placements at once. For doing so -  Press “Add placement”.

Type - Select whether the Adunit is being created by Browsi or using the current one by calling Browsi API
In case “API” type was selected - you will be requested to define how that ad unit will be identified (ID Type) - by its placement or Ad unit path/ID

Location type - Select whether the ad position is being created dynamically by Browsi’s smart engine or created on a fixed position (by setting xpath)

Placement - Define how many placements will be created under this ad type and for which the following settings should apply to.


Placement configuration

Ad sizes: Select supported ad dimensions for this placement

Browsi In View refresh: Select whether Browsi’s in-view Refresh feature will be enabled. If you do choose to enable the refresh, you may select if Browsi should continue to attempt to refresh even if the initial refresh did not result in Demand.

Viewability Prediction - Select whether Browsi’s viewability prediction score will be sent by Key Values to GAM.


Provider configuration

In the following section you can configure the demand partners and bidders for the placements created and configured above. 

Please note that once configured, in order to go Live the “inactive” button on the right hand side should be switch to “Active”


GAM (Google Ad Manager):

Ad Unit: Enter ad unit’s GAM path - for example: 123456/MySite/Homepage/Leadboard_1
In addition, you can ad slot level Key Values targeting

Header Bidding:

  • Auction Timeout - Set the maximum time (in milliseconds)  that you are willing to wait for a bid.

  • +Add Bidder - Select a bidder from the list and define its parameters.

  • Each bidder has its own unique identifiers - the relevant fields will be displayed automatically per your selection.

In case you are not familiar with those parameters please contact your bidder’s Support/Success Manager.

Please note that once Header Bidding is defined as “Active” (from the toggle button on the right), The GAM option is also automatically being “Active” unless you choose to disable it.


APS (Amazon Publisher Services) - Define your Publisher ID, Ad server and slot name.

Custom - (View Only) -   Adding a custom demand source, allows Browsi to add any type of script to a specific position. Typically this option will be reserved for types of demand that are not part of the standard demand stack. 

Please note that the Custom bidder replaces other providers.

Script type - Defines whether the provided code is in html/Javascript format.

Minified script - The minimized version of the script to reduce load times. 

Once updated the “Script URL” field will be filled automatically and the link can be used to Preview demand.

Ad unit - Defines the relevant ad unit to be supplied with demand.

Response Detection - Defines whether a callback is set from your side and what is its timeout window. 

Fallback - You can set a fallback demand configuration using the same process as described above - Initially select supported ad sizes, decide whether to enable browsi’s refresh and viewability prediction and then select and configure Bidders. 

A “Fallback” tag will be displayed next to each section to clarify the type of 

A “Fallback” tag will be displayed next to each placement to clarify the type of demand configured for it. 


Browsi Features

Once a placement was created,  Browsi features can be enabled on the Ad type Level.

From the Layout main page, press on the ad-type name and from the drop down menu, select "Edit Ad type".

You can choose whether your ad should be placed within the text and wrapped by it or between paragraphs (This is a Desktop feature only)


A fold is the screen length of a users device, with which the length of a web page can be relatively measured. 

Here you can configure the fold in which Browsi will start/stop implementing ads or use a selector to indicate the starting point

Select the minimal distance in pixels you would like to set between Browsi ads.

Select whether to serve ads exclusively to users that have engaged with the page. This feature raises viewability and lowers IVT. However it may also lower the amount of ads you implement per page.

Raise your viewability by enabling ads lazy loading, using Browsi AI. 

Browsi Advanced Features

Additional Browsi features can be enabled on the Ad layout Level, which will impact all ad types under the modified layout.

From the Layout main page, press the Wrench icon on the Bottom right corner.

Analysis Mode:  When enabled, Browsi will run on your pages without implementing any ads. In this state, data is collected for the improvement of the Browsi AI.

Ad Placeholder:  When enabled, Browsi will create placeholders for your placements, ensuring the page doesn’t jump when an ad opens or alternatively when the placement closes because an ad didn’t return. This feature lowers CLS and improves user experience.

Ad Density Threshold:  Ad Density is the percentage of main content that consists of ads, measured by height. Once enabled, you can control the percentage of ads that take up your main content by stopping ad requests from being sent out after reaching the configured threshold. 

Page level targeting: Set key-values that will be sent across all ad slots on your page. browsiID is a mandatory key value that enables you to track the performance of Browsi placements in your GAM. If you are interested in adding key values for specific slots - you can do this per ad type under the GAM provider.

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