Display Implementation

Implementing the Browsi tag inside <head> of your site will allow Browsi to serve ads intelligently by using its machine learning engine and predictive algorithms. The AI will make user behaviour predictions on your site and decide the best ad placement for your ads.

Implementing the script in the <head>

  1. Connect to your Browsi representative to get a Browsi tag per site

  2. Copy / Paste the code snippet at the highest position of the <head> tag on every page of your website.

    <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello World</title> <script src="https://cdn.browsiprod.com/bootstrap/bootstrap.js" id="browsi-tag" data-pubkey="Browsi" // will be provided by Browsi data-sitekey="browsi" // will be provided by Browsi </script> </head>

💡 The engine is written in native("vanilla") javascript and runs asynchronously when loaded which means that our code is processed simultaneously to the rest of the page content. Your site will run normally without having the script interfere while your site is being loaded.


Implementing Browsi via PreBid Real-Time Data Module

The Browsi Real-Time Data Module will give your team features to optimize any ad inventory and see an instant improvement in Viewability & RPM 

Code Integration:

  1. Build the Browsi module into the Prebid.js package with the following: 

gulp build --modules=browsiRtdProvider&...

2. Configure the realTimeData.dataProviders object as part of the setConfig to instruct the browser to obtain Browsi data. 

pbjs.setConfig({  "realTimeData": {  dataProviders:[{  "name": "browsi",  "params": {  "url": "yield-manager.browsiprod.com",  "siteKey": "site",  "pubKey": "publisher",  "keyName":"browsiViewability"  }  }] }  });

Script Architecture

The script runs multiple asynchronous functions on the web page in order to execute its smart ad placements:

  • Data collecting

  • Viewability prediction

  • Personalized Ad Insertion

  • Serving Publishers' Ad Stack