The Browsi API is a set up method for those who would like to implement Browsi and use current ad placements that will be optimised based on our machine learning software.
Copy & Paste the code snippet at the highest position within the
section of the pages on your website. This snippet needs to be inserted after the Browsi Tag from the first implementation step (see implementation).
<head> |
2. Replace each ad placement tags with the Browsi tags.
Here's a simple example of an ad placement tag by Google (GPT tag):
<body> |
Replace with:
<body> |
API Parameters
parameter | description | type | required | example |
div_id | Element id; must be a single unique id per slot on the page; unit id and element id need to be the same. | string | Yes |
adUnit | Google Ad Manager ad unit to call, including the publisher id and leading “/”. When left empty we will use the default configured ad unit on the Browsi platform. | string | Yes |
Sizes | A list of all sizes for this specific ad placement. Format - {w:XXX, h:XXX} (Width x Height). For Fluid ad size - 'fluid'. | array of objects | Yes | sizes: [ {w:300,h:600}, {w:300,h: 250}, "fluid" ] |
positionTag | Communicates the position of the ad element/unit to be served. The position tag can be from the following options: top, bottom, in-content(in-line), adhesive, rail-left and rail-right. | string | Yes |