2. Create Ad Unit

2. Create Ad Unit

You can repeat this process several times to create multiple ad units - in that case be sure to assign all ad units to other entities in other steps of this guide.

  1. In Google Ad Manager’s side menu, under Inventory, navigate to the ad units page

  2. Click ‘New ad unit’

  3. Name the ad unit according to your naming conventions, but include ‘BrowsiVideo’ in the name. If your naming includes forward slashes - / ‘BrowsiVideo’ should come after the last slash

  4. Code should be identical to the ad unit’s name

  5. Description can be left empty

  6. Under sizes, set size mode to fixed

  7. For the video master size, select 1x1v from the list of options

  8. Everything else in this section can be left empty

  9. All other inputs in this page can be ignored - scroll down and save