Custom Refresh

The "Custom Refresh" feature is a powerful tool that enables publishers to set different refresh rates on the same ad placements based on granular refresh rules. By utilizing a variety of variables such as ad unit names, line item types, time of day, device, site, and more, publishers can define specific rules that determine the refresh behavior for their ads. This feature provides enhanced control and flexibility in optimizing revenue while balancing user experience.



This feature is only visible to Admin users but open to any User’s that would like to work with it.

To activate the "Custom Refresh" feature, follow these steps:

  1. Download the blank CSV template provided by the system.

  2. Set up the desired refresh rules in the CSV file using a spreadsheet editor.

  3. Share with your Browsi POC to activate.

Please note that activating the "Custom Refresh" toggle will disable and override any other refresh settings previously applied and will be set at a publisher level. This means that the rules will be effective for all sites owned by the publisher.

Rule Hierarchy

The "Custom Refresh" feature applies a hierarchical order to the rules defined in the CSV file. The position of a rule within the table determines its priority and strength. The higher a rule is placed in the table, the stronger it becomes in influencing the refresh behavior.

CSV Format

The CSV file used for defining refresh rules should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Name (required): Provide a unique name for each rule to identify it easily.

  • Refresh Rate (required): Set the desired refresh rate (in milliseconds) for the rule.

  • Priority ID (required): Assign a priority value to determine the rule's strength within the hierarchy. Higher values indicate stronger rules.

  • Ad Unit Names: Define specific ad unit names to apply the rule to. If left blank, the rule will be applied to all ad units.

  • Line Item Types: Specify the line item types to which the rule applies. If left blank, the rule will be applied to all line item types.

  • Time of Day (hourly): Set a time range during which the rule should be active. If not specified, the rule will be active at all times.

  • Device: Define the target device(s) for the rule (e.g., desktop, mobile, tablet). If left blank, the rule will apply to all devices.

Note that all fields, except for Name, Refresh Rate, and Priority ID, are optional. Only the essential fields need to be populated for each rule.

Applying Rules

Once your Browsi POC receives all of the rules that should be applied on your ad placements, they will be configured to match the CSV template and be uploaded to the "Custom Refresh" feature.

By using the "Custom Refresh" feature, publishers can achieve more granular control over their ad refresh behavior, aligning it with audience behavior and maximizing revenue potential while maintaining a balanced user experience.

For further assistance or inquiries, please reach out to our support team.